Notre histoire..Our history..Nossa historia

La famille Bettencourt est originaire de France, la Normandie, lieu de Bethancourt, en Picardie, si son surnom est le panneau racine.

Le premier de cette famille pour atteindre la péninsule ibérique a été Messire Jehan de Bethancourt ou Jean Bettencourt allé à la découverte que le commandement d'une flotte de navires, est venu de trouver les îles Canaries, dont le roi avait le droit.
Jean Bettencourt n'avait pas de fils, de sorte que ses héritiers étaient couchés à faible et Henri de Bettencourt Bettencourt et ses frères et sœur
Décédé profil bas, Henri de Bettencourt ceux vendus aux Iles du Prince Henri de Portugal, puis en passant à l'île de Madère, où il s'est installé et a pris le savon de l'île.
Jean Bettencourt a également eu aucune descendance légitime de Chevalier de l'Ordre de St-Jean de Jérusalem, à l'époque appelée l'Ordre de Rhodes.
Cependant obtenu la légitimation d'une fille illégitime, qui était marié avec Rui Goncalves da Camara, dont le mariage il y avait aussi pas de descendants.

Armoiries de la famille Bettencourt.

Compte tenu de ce fait avec la femme que son mari a créé le rejeton qui allait être connu sous le nom de Morgan Mel Waters, appelant à son premier administrateur Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt, son cousin.
Cette Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt avait beaucoup de semence, qui a été dispersé dans les îles de l'Atlantique et le continent portugais dont le nom a été déformé pour Bethencourt et popularisé sous les formes les plus diverses: Bettencourt, ou Betencour Betencur, Bittencourt, etc.

A família Bettencourt é originária da França, da região da Normandia, lugar de Bethancourt, na Picardia, pelo que o seu apelido é de raiz toponímica.
O primeiro desta família a chegar à Península Ibérica foi Messire Jehan de Bethancourt ou Jean de Bettencourt que partiu à descoberta ao comando de uma frota de naus, veio a encontrar o arquipélago das Canárias, das quais se intitulou rei.
Jean de Bettencourt não teve filhos, pelo que foram seus herdeiros Maciot Bettencourt e Henri de Bettencourt, seus irmãos.
Falecendo Maciot, vendeu Henri de Bettencourt aquelas ilhas ao Infante D. Henrique de Portugal, passando em seguida à ilha da Madeira, onde se fixou e teve as saboarias da ilha.
Jean de Bettencourt também não teve descendência legítima por ser Cavaleiro professo da Ordem de São João de Jerusalém, na altura chamada Ordem de Rodes.
No entanto obteve a legitimação de uma filha bastarda, que foi casada com Rui Gonçalves da Câmara, casamento de que também não houve descendência.

Escudo do Brasão da família Bettencourt.

Perante esse facto a esposa instituiu com o citado marido o morgado que veio a ser conhecido por Morgado de Águas de Mel, chamando para seu primeiro administrador Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt, seu primo.
Este Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt teve muita descendência, que se dispersou tanto nas ilhas atlânticas como no continente português tendo o seu nome sido deturpado para Bethencourt e popularizado sob as mais diversas formas: Bettencourt, Betencour ou Betencur, Bittencourt

The Bettencourt family is originally from France, the Normandy region, place of Bethancourt, in Picardy, so his nickname is the root signpost.
The first of this family to reach the Iberian Peninsula was Messire Jehan de Bethancourt or Jean Bettencourt went to the discovery that the command of a fleet of ships, came to find the Canary Islands, of which King was entitled.
Jean Bettencourt had no sons, so his heirs were lying low and Henri Bettencourt of Bettencourt and her siblings.
Died lying low, Henri de Bettencourt those sold to Prince Islands Henry of Portugal, then moving to the island of Madeira, where he settled and took the soap from the island.
Jean Bettencourt also had no legitimate offspring to be Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, at the time called the Order of Rhodes.
However got the legitimization of an illegitimate daughter, who was married with Rui Goncalves da Camara, of which marriage there was also no descendants.

Coat of Arms of Bettencourt family.

Given that fact with the wife said her husband established the scion that came to be known as Morgan Mel Waters, calling for its first administrator Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt, his cousin.
This Germano Gaspar de Bethancourt had much seed, which was dispersed in both the Atlantic islands and the mainland Portuguese whose name has been misrepresented for Bethencourt and popularized under the most diverse forms: Bettencourt, or Betencour Betencur, Bittencourt, etc....

lundi 13 juin 2011

Miami International Film Festival: Interview with Actress Angie Cepeda Posted By Nick Betancourt on March 15th, 2011

During the Miami International Film Festival, Miami becomes host to some of the best international actors, directors and filmmakers from around the world. For a brief moment we become the Mecca for the film industry and every night we can attend a celebrity filled red carpet premiere or catch a glimpse of some of the best international films we wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to see. One of these rare moments occurred this week where we had the opportunity to meet and talk with Angie Cepeda. This Colombian born actress has graced countless films throughout Latin America, Spain and “Love for Rent” in the U.S. Now Angie Cepeda is in Miami for the U.S. release of her latest project “With or Without Love” (“Una Hora Mas En Canarias”).

Angie explained to us that her character “Claudia” is a beautiful successful wine shop owner with a gorgeous husband and an even better looking lover “Pablo.” Her lover tires of sharing her affection and leaves her for another woman as he flees to the Canary Islands to get away from her crazy antics to get him back. This comedic musical is set in the best panoramic views of Tenerife with a catchy pop score that will have you humming long after you have left the theater.

Angie also shared with us that thee years ago she traveled to Spain for a film and has been living there ever since. She is now working on a film about a Brazilian soccer player and she is his lover. After playing so many rolls in a stellar career Angie Cepeda tells us “It is difficult for me to pin point what character I can relate too because they have been so different from who I really am. I live my life day to day with a strong work ethic and humility. I like to set short goals for myself and accomplish them, I always try to enjoy every individual moment life has to offer.”

International celebrities like Angie Cepeda bring a new insight to films from around the world and make the Miami International Film Festival a Haute event not to pass up.

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